Showing Collections: 341 - 350 of 359
Washington Irving Babcock papers
This collection consists mainly of eight scrapbooks, sketchbooks and journals kept during the course of Babcock's life from school days to the latter part of his career. The scrapbooks contain a variety of items: obituaries, math notes, short stories, expense accounts, Babcock's artist talents, report cards, clippings of love and romance and photographs of his time at work in Chester, P.A.
Wilber Fay Parsons scrapbook
Scrapbook maintained by Wilber Fay Parsons, Rensselaer Class of 1921. The scrapbook includes newspaper clippings concerning Rensselaer and local history, Rensselaer ephemera, grade reports, etc.
William Anderson Aycrigg scrapbooks
William Aycrigg’s three scrapbooks contain a variety of materials, primarily reflecting his student days in Troy from 1881 to 1884.
William B. Cabot papers
This collection contains a pocket account book for school and living expenses at East Hampton, New Haven, and Troy, kept by William Cabot, RPI Class of 1881. Also included is a free-hand drawing book from a winter session class held at Rensselaer.
William Breithaupt collection
Three photographs of railroad construction and specification blueprints for Sibley Bridge, also called the Sibley Rail Bridge, spanning the Missouri River. William Breithaupt (RPI Class of 1881) served as Assistant Engineer on the project.
William Gorham Rice correspondence
Miscellaneous correspondence between William Gorham Rice, a state and federal government official from Albany, NY, and various others, including Louis Howe, then-Secretary to the President Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S. House of Representatives members, members of the Democratic National Committee, as well as numerous other government officials.
William H. Young memorabilia
William I. Baucus papers
The Baucus papers contain a photograph album and several postcards reflecting the travels and the engineering work in which Baucus was engaged.
William MacIlhenny Wilkinson papers
This collection consists of student notebooks, drawings, diplomas and certificates documenting Wilkinson's student experiences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
William Otis Hotchkiss presidential records
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Photographs 11
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Students 11
- Notebooks 10
- College students 9
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- History 9
- Reports 8
- Correspondence 7
- Scrapbooks 7
- Civil engineering 6
- Civil engineers 6
- Greek letter societies 6
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Fraternities 6
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Societies 6
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Alumni and alumnae 5
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Study and teaching 5
- Bridges 4
- College students -- Social life 4
- College teachers 4
- Diaries 4
- Engineering 4
- Legal documents 4
- Letters (correspondence) 4
- Universities and colleges -- New York (State) -- Troy 4
- Account books 3
- Amateur radio stations 3
- Archives 3
- Business records 3
- Civil engineering -- Study and teaching 3
- Engineering -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- Troy 3
- Manuscripts 3
- Patents 3
- Posters 3
- Program (s) 3
- Railroad engineering 3
- Railroads 3
- Railroads -- United States -- History -- 19th century 3
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Buildings 3
- Williamsburg Bridge (New York, N.Y.) 3
- Acacia Fraternity -- Rensselaer Chapter 2
- Astronomical observations -- New York (State) -- Troy 2
- Blueprints 2
- Bridges -- Design and construction 2
- Brooklyn Bridge (New York, N.Y.) 2
- Certificates 2
- Clippings 2
- College students -- Political activity 2
- Commercial correspondence 2
- Diplomas 2
- Engineering -- South America 2
- Engineering -- South America -- History 2
- Engineering drawings 2
- Financial statements 2
- Genealogies 2
- Geology -- Study and teaching (Higher) 2
- Industrialists 2
- Maps 2
- Mechanical Engineering -- Study and teaching 2
- Mechanical drawing 2
- Minutes 2
- Pamphlets 2
- Periodicals 2
- Postcards 2
- Rensselaer County (N.Y.) 2
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Hockey 2
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Sports 2
- Research notes 2
- Sketchbooks 2
- Troy (N.Y.) 2
- Agendas (administrative records) 1
- Agricultural machinery industry 1
- Albany County (N.Y.) 1
- Almanacs 1
- American Geographical Society 1
- American International Corporation 1
- Architectural drawings 1
- Architecture -- Study and teaching 1
- Asphalt industry 1
- Asphalt industry -- United States 1
- Astronomical instruments 1
- Astronomical observations 1
- Astronomical observations -- New York (State) 1
- Baking 1
- Baking -- History 1
- Baking -- History -- 19th century 1
- Bear Mountain Bridge -- New York (State) 1
- Bear Mountain Bridge -- New York (State) -- Hudson River 1
- Blast furnaces 1
- Books 1
- Botanists 1
- Botany 1
- Botany -- Study and teaching 1
- Broadsides 1
- Brooklyn Ethical Association 1
- Businessmen 1
- Bylaws 1
- Caissons 1
- Caissons -- History 1
- Caissons -- History -- 19th century 1
- Canals 1
- Catalogs 1 + ∧ less
- Language
- English 357
- German 5
- French 4
- Latin 2
- Russian 2
- Spanish; Castilian 2
- Arabic 1
- Chinese 1
- Coptic 1
- Italian 1
- Norwegian Bokmål; Bokmål, Norwegian 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 19
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Interfraternity Council 5
- Harkness, Ned (Nevin) 3
- Houston, Livingston Waddell, 1891-1977 3
- Rensselaer Institute 3
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. President's Office 3
- Rensselaer School 3
- Ricketts, Palmer C. (Palmer Chamberlain), 1856-1934 3
- W2SZ Amateur Radio Club 3
- Acacia Fraternity 2
- Baker, Ray Palmer, 1883-1979 2
- Eaton, Amos, 1776-1842 2
- Friedman, Gerald M. 2
- Greene, Benjamin Franklin, 1817-1895 2
- Greene, David Maxson, 1832-1905 2
- Martin, Charles Cyril, 1831-1903 2
- Mochon, Donald, 1916-1976 2
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Astrophysical Society 2
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Department of Chemistry 2
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Student Senate 2
- Roebling, Washington Augustus (Civil Engineer) (1837-1926) 2
- Rumpf, Randy 2
- Troy University (Troy, N.Y.) 2
- Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 1764-1839 2
- Willard, Emma, 1787-1870 2
- Wilson, Joseph M. 2
- Adams, James Wendell 1
- Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873 1
- Aiken, William E. A. (William Edward Augustin), 1807-1888 1
- Albany Female Academy 1
- Allen, Edward A. H. (Edward Augustus Holyoke), 1828-1898 1
- Allen, Edwin Brown 1
- Allen, Julian Sargent, 1860- 1
- Allen, Kenneth, 1857-1930 1
- Alpha Phi Omega 1
- Alpha Psi Omega 1
- Alven, Roland Arthur 1
- American Association of University Professors. RPI Chapter 1
- Anable, Sidney J. 1
- Angell, Ralph Lester 1
- Appleton, Thomas 1
- Aycrigg, William Anderson, 1859-1936 1
- Babcock, Washington Irving, 1858-1917 1
- Babits, Mary, 1906-1991 1
- Babits, Victor, 1900-1982 1
- Balbin, Ernesto J. 1
- Baltimore, Garnet D. (Garnet Douglass) 1
- Baltus, George T. 1
- Banker, Edward W. 1
- Banks, Joseph 1
- Barton, Neal (Cornelius J.), 1936- 1
- Baucus, William I. 1
- Bauer, C. Lloyd (Charles Lloyd) 1
- Bauer, K. Jack (Karl Jack), 1926- 1
- Bear Mountain Bridge 1
- Beck, Lewis C. (Lewis Caleb), 1798-1853 1
- Beman, Nathan S. S. (Nathan Sidney Smith), 1785-1871 1
- Billmeyer, Fred W., Jr. 1
- Bostrom, Carl A. 1
- Bowen, H. C. 1
- Bower, Andrew T. 1
- Bower, Arthur W., 1846-1915 1
- Branscomb, Lewis M. 1
- Breithaupt, William H. 1
- Brett, A. 1
- Brown, Thomas B. 1
- Brownell, Susan 1
- Brummel, Herbert L. 1
- Buck, Leffert Lefferts 1
- Burkin, John F. 1
- Cabot, William B. 1
- Caldwell, James Henry 1
- Callahan, George Wallace 1
- Caney, George Farnham 1
- Cary, Edward Richard 1
- Chamberlain, Nicholas 1
- Charles H. Overly Studio 1
- Chaudes 1
- Chen, Clement, II 1
- Chicago Ship Building Company 1
- Chillman, Edward F. 1
- Clark, John A. 1
- Clinton, DeWitt, 1769-1828 1
- Cloke, John Benjamin, 1897-1985 1
- Cloud, J. C. 1
- Cluett, Sanford L. 1
- Coggeshall, Robert C.P. 1
- Collingwood, Francis, 1834-1911 1
- Colvin, Allan D. 1
- Colyer, Alexander R. 1
- Combs, Lewis B. (Lewis Barton), Admiral, 1885-1996 1
- Cook, George Hammell, 1818-1889 1
- Cooper, Theodore 1
- Corwin, Elbert 1
- Crockett, C. W. (Charles Winthrop), 1862-1936 1
- Crowell, John T., 1922-2012 1
- Cunningham, Andrew Chase 1
- Curtiss, Charles D. 1
- Davis, Joseph P. (1837-1917) 1
- DeFreest family 1 + ∧ less