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Showing Collections: 311 - 320 of 359

Susan Brownell RPI memorabilia

Identifier: 2023-26
Content Description Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute student memorabilia collected by Susan Brownell, BS 1979, MBA 1981. Brownell joined the Women's Ice Hockey team in 1977 and played through 1980. She collected early team schedules, rosters, photographs, articles, and two jerseys, one from RPI and another from a hockey camp Brownell and some of her teammates attended in the summer of 1978. Brownell also served on the Grand Marshal Week Committee, and the collection includes schedules, photographs, and...
Dates: 1975-1981

Susan C. Perry papers

Identifier: 2016-21
Content Description

This collection contains correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, draft reports, and related materials pertaining to Susan Perry's work on a Federal Aviation Administration (1979-1980) and the NASA Transition Team for President-Elect Ronald Reagan (1980). Also included are an RPI Mathematics and Science medal, and a City of Troy bicentennial medal encased in lucite (1989). Note: Susan Perry later went by the name of Susan Stetson Clarke.

Dates: 1979-1995

Thaddeus Sanford Smith papers

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: MC 32
Scope and Contents

The Thaddeus Sanford Smith papers (MC 32), 1858-1861, contain two volumes of student notes in such courses as geometry, physics, electricity, chemistry, surveying, etc. Names of lecturers are given below when they were listed in Smith's notes. Also included are brief notations for Smith's thesis on a railway bridge.

Dates: Created: 1858-1861

The Approach collection

Identifier: 2019-19
Content Description

This file contains photographs, negatives, and news clippings that document an event to revitalize The Approach staircase in Troy, NY, in 1993, driven by RPI students. The installation and performance event, which included video art and interactive media, was known as "Sound Off at The Approach."

Dates: 1993

The fisher's vade mecum; or, angler's almanac for 1851

Identifier: 2006-8
Content Description

Fisherman's almanac, published in 1851, which includes extra details for anglers in the United States.

Dates: 1851

The Four Horsemen scrapbook

Identifier: 2005-31
Content Description This scrapbook includes photographs, programs, newspaper clippings, and other memorabilia relating to the Four Horsemen, an RPI acapella quartet comprised of Dave Benedict (baritone), Chuck Kelly (lead), Jim Moore (bass), and Bob Wassung (tenor). Also included in the scrapbook are digital re-recordings on CDs and DVDs of the RPI Glee Club, including "Songs of Rensselaer" (1948), a performance at RPI's 125th anniversary celebration (1949), and Gabriel Faure's "Requiem" (1950). Also...
Dates: 1947-2000

The Rensselaer Club records

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: AC 39

Records of The Rensselaer Club, 2011-2017.

Dates: Created: 2011-2017

The Russell Sage - RPI Chorus with the RPI Orchestra phonograph album

Identifier: 2007-11
Content Description

This item is a phonograph album recorded by the Rensselaer and Sage College choruses. Directed by Susan J.M. Porter and Angelo Frascerelli, the choruses sang selections from Randall Thompson's "Frostiana" and "Alleluia," Johannes Brahms' "How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place," Mozart's "Credo," and Thomas Bateson's "If Love Be Blind."

Dates: 2007

The Status of the Chemistry Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Identifier: 2002-12
Content Description

Bound report prepared as part of the Rensselaer science five-year development plan. The report, from September 1983, details program goals, program structures, facilities and support services, and the program's financial support.

Dates: 1983

Theodore Cooper student notebooks

Identifier: 1988-21
Content Description

This collection contains two student notebooks from Theodore Cooper, RPI Class of 1858. One is labeled as "Constructions," and contains lecture notes from the class. The second notebook is labeled "Mechanics," and contains notes from two lectures, one on the principles of rational mechanics, and another on the mechanics of solids.

Dates: 1858

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Photographs 11
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Students 11
Notebooks 10
College students 9
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- History 9
∨ more
Reports 8
Correspondence 7
Scrapbooks 7
Civil engineering 6
Civil engineers 6
Greek letter societies 6
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Fraternities 6
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Societies 6
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Alumni and alumnae 5
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Study and teaching 5
Bridges 4
College students -- Social life 4
College teachers 4
Diaries 4
Engineering 4
Legal documents 4
Letters (correspondence) 4
Universities and colleges -- New York (State) -- Troy 4
Account books 3
Amateur radio stations 3
Archives 3
Business records 3
Civil engineering -- Study and teaching 3
Engineering -- Study and teaching -- New York (State) -- Troy 3
Manuscripts 3
Patents 3
Posters 3
Program (s) 3
Railroad engineering 3
Railroads 3
Railroads -- United States -- History -- 19th century 3
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Buildings 3
Williamsburg Bridge (New York, N.Y.) 3
Acacia Fraternity -- Rensselaer Chapter 2
Astronomical observations -- New York (State) -- Troy 2
Blueprints 2
Bridges -- Design and construction 2
Brooklyn Bridge (New York, N.Y.) 2
Certificates 2
Clippings 2
College students -- Political activity 2
Commercial correspondence 2
Diplomas 2
Engineering -- South America 2
Engineering -- South America -- History 2
Engineering drawings 2
Financial statements 2
Genealogies 2
Geology -- Study and teaching (Higher) 2
Industrialists 2
Maps 2
Mechanical Engineering -- Study and teaching 2
Mechanical drawing 2
Minutes 2
Pamphlets 2
Periodicals 2
Postcards 2
Rensselaer County (N.Y.) 2
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Hockey 2
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- Sports 2
Research notes 2
Sketchbooks 2
Troy (N.Y.) 2
Agendas (administrative records) 1
Agricultural machinery industry 1
Albany County (N.Y.) 1
Almanacs 1
American Geographical Society 1
American International Corporation 1
Architectural drawings 1
Architecture -- Study and teaching 1
Asphalt industry 1
Asphalt industry -- United States 1
Astronomical instruments 1
Astronomical observations 1
Astronomical observations -- New York (State) 1
Baking 1
Baking -- History 1
Baking -- History -- 19th century 1
Bear Mountain Bridge -- New York (State) 1
Bear Mountain Bridge -- New York (State) -- Hudson River 1
Blast furnaces 1
Books 1
Botanists 1
Botany 1
Botany -- Study and teaching 1
Broadsides 1
Brooklyn Ethical Association 1
Businessmen 1
Bylaws 1
Caissons 1
Caissons -- History 1
Caissons -- History -- 19th century 1
Canals 1
Catalogs 1
+ ∧ less
English 357
German 5
French 4
Latin 2
Russian 2
∨ more  
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 19
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Interfraternity Council 5
Harkness, Ned (Nevin) 3
Houston, Livingston Waddell, 1891-1977 3
Rensselaer Institute 3
∨ more
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. President's Office 3
Rensselaer School 3
Ricketts, Palmer C. (Palmer Chamberlain), 1856-1934 3
W2SZ Amateur Radio Club 3
Acacia Fraternity 2
Baker, Ray Palmer, 1883-1979 2
Eaton, Amos, 1776-1842 2
Friedman, Gerald M. 2
Greene, Benjamin Franklin, 1817-1895 2
Greene, David Maxson, 1832-1905 2
Martin, Charles Cyril, 1831-1903 2
Mochon, Donald, 1916-1976 2
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Astrophysical Society 2
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Department of Chemistry 2
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Student Senate 2
Roebling, Washington Augustus (Civil Engineer) (1837-1926) 2
Rumpf, Randy 2
Troy University (Troy, N.Y.) 2
Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 1764-1839 2
Willard, Emma, 1787-1870 2
Wilson, Joseph M. 2
Adams, James Wendell 1
Agassiz, Louis, 1807-1873 1
Aiken, William E. A. (William Edward Augustin), 1807-1888 1
Albany Female Academy 1
Allen, Edward A. H. (Edward Augustus Holyoke), 1828-1898 1
Allen, Edwin Brown 1
Allen, Julian Sargent, 1860- 1
Allen, Kenneth, 1857-1930 1
Alpha Phi Omega 1
Alpha Psi Omega 1
Alven, Roland Arthur 1
American Association of University Professors. RPI Chapter 1
Anable, Sidney J. 1
Angell, Ralph Lester 1
Appleton, Thomas 1
Aycrigg, William Anderson, 1859-1936 1
Babcock, Washington Irving, 1858-1917 1
Babits, Mary, 1906-1991 1
Babits, Victor, 1900-1982 1
Balbin, Ernesto J. 1
Baltimore, Garnet D. (Garnet Douglass) 1
Baltus, George T. 1
Banker, Edward W. 1
Banks, Joseph 1
Barton, Neal (Cornelius J.), 1936- 1
Baucus, William I. 1
Bauer, C. Lloyd (Charles Lloyd) 1
Bauer, K. Jack (Karl Jack), 1926- 1
Bear Mountain Bridge 1
Beck, Lewis C. (Lewis Caleb), 1798-1853 1
Beman, Nathan S. S. (Nathan Sidney Smith), 1785-1871 1
Billmeyer, Fred W., Jr. 1
Bostrom, Carl A. 1
Bowen, H. C. 1
Bower, Andrew T. 1
Bower, Arthur W., 1846-1915 1
Branscomb, Lewis M. 1
Breithaupt, William H. 1
Brett, A. 1
Brown, Thomas B. 1
Brownell, Susan 1
Brummel, Herbert L. 1
Buck, Leffert Lefferts 1
Burkin, John F. 1
Cabot, William B. 1
Caldwell, James Henry 1
Callahan, George Wallace 1
Caney, George Farnham 1
Cary, Edward Richard 1
Chamberlain, Nicholas 1
Charles H. Overly Studio 1
Chaudes 1
Chen, Clement, II 1
Chicago Ship Building Company 1
Chillman, Edward F. 1
Clark, John A. 1
Clinton, DeWitt, 1769-1828 1
Cloke, John Benjamin, 1897-1985 1
Cloud, J. C. 1
Cluett, Sanford L. 1
Coggeshall, Robert C.P. 1
Collingwood, Francis, 1834-1911 1
Colvin, Allan D. 1
Colyer, Alexander R. 1
Combs, Lewis B. (Lewis Barton), Admiral, 1885-1996 1
Cook, George Hammell, 1818-1889 1
Cooper, Theodore 1
Corwin, Elbert 1
Crockett, C. W. (Charles Winthrop), 1862-1936 1
Crowell, John T., 1922-2012 1
Cunningham, Andrew Chase 1
Curtiss, Charles D. 1
Davis, Joseph P. (1837-1917) 1
DeFreest family 1
+ ∧ less