Box 35
Contains 19 Results:
Patent - Antichloride of Lime, 1854
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
Patent Application - Explosion of Burning Fluids, 1852
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
Patent Application for Lamp, 1853
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
Patent Claims for Phosphoric Acid, 1855-1864
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
Patent Information for Anti-Chloride of Lime, undated
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
Pendulum Studies, 1851
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
Petition for Extension of Patent, 1877
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
“Pleasures of Geology”, 1839
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
Professor Horsford and Condensed Milk, 1875
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.
“Progress of the Arts Since Count Rumford” copy 1, 1850?
This sub-series contains analyses, research journals, lectures, speeches, presentations, manuscripts and essays covering an extensive variety of scientific topics. The bulk of the material was written by Eben Norton Horsford throughout the course of his career. Significant topics in this material include bread making, army rations, water analysis, chemical analysis, patent information and writings on the advancement of science and technology.