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Series III: Publications and Papers


Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The Dora P. Crouch Papers, 1955-1989 (bulk 1965-1989), chronicle her academic and professional activities at several California colleges and universities, and at RPI in Troy NY. They are divided into four series: I. Correspondence 1982-1989 (.4 cu.ft.); II. Curriculum/Course Material 1969-1989 (2 cu.ft.); III. Publications and Papers 1955-1988 (.8 cu.ft.); and IV. Subject Files, in nine subseries, 1959-1989 (2.9 cu.ft.).

Series I, Correspondence, arranged chronologically, contains exchanges with colleagues, as well as material related to her membership in RPI committees (Faculty Council, Curriculum, Honors, Graduate Program), and to her publication efforts.

Series II, Curriculum/Course Material, is arranged chronologically, then alphabetically by subject per semester. It includes handwritten notes, mimeograph and xerographic handouts, overhead transparencies, examples of student work, and a set of cassettes, chronicling twenty years of Professor Crouch's teaching and efforts at curriculum development.

Series III, Publications and Papers, begins with class notes taken by Ms. Crouch while a student at Michigan and UCLA. Next there are drafts and reprints of some of her articles, excerpts from her two books, a project description for Volume One of the Art and Architecture Thesaurus, and drafts and copies of book reviews. Finally, there are flyers related to art exhibits and prizes which she sponsored, and to her public lectures.

Series IV, Subject Files, consists of nine subseries. A: Curriculum Vitae, 1974-1988. B: Grant proposals arranged chronologically. C: California Chapter AIP membership material, 1959-. D: Society of Architectural Historians files, arranged chronologically, reflecting in part her presidency of two chapters and her editorship (1972-80) of the Society newsletter. E: Dominguez Hills, concerning proposals for an external degree program, and for a College of Life Studies. F: RPI Committees, including Women Faculty at RPI, Architectural Library, Library Advisory, Curriculum, and student advising committees. G: RPI Job Files, 1979-1989, containing materials supportive of her annual performance assessments. H: Unity House 1981-1985 service project notes. I: Miscellaneous.


  • Majority of material found within 1955 - 1989


1 box(es)

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Institute Archives and Special Collections Repository

110 8th Street
Institute Archives and Special Collections
Rensselaer Libraries, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy NY 12180-3590 US
518 276 8340